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Participation Design Toolkit

Drivers and barriers of participation

The barriers to participation and the key factors organisations can address to overcome them

To support sport organisations in achieving participation objectives, Sport Australia and the sector co-designed a set of drivers that are the factors identified as the most significant influences on driving positive participation outcomes. The Drivers of Participation:

  • provide an understanding of the key ingredients to achieving sustainable participation growth
  • help organisations overcome identified barriers to participation
  • can be used to guide participation planning; offering a framework to consider important factors
  • translate in to important product design considerations
  • embody a participant-centred and insight-driven approach; recognising market insights as the first and most important driver to address.
Market insights

Ensuring that all decisions are based on data and evidence about the market.

Product design

Developing products with benefits and features to meet consumer needs and wants.


How products are delivered to the market.

Marketing and communications

Messaging and methods used to communicate internally and to consumers.

Infrastructure and equipment

Providing appropriate, accessible and affordable infrastructure and equipment.


Developing sustainable participation products and commercialising related assets.


A strong governance structure, committed to achieving participation outcomes.

Unified behaviours

A whole-of-sport approach to participation.


The experience, expertise and performance of the management team.

Drivers of participation icon

Drivers of Participation

With support from Nielsen Sports, Sport Australia engaged the sport sector to identify these key strategic participation areas. This information has been tested and validated and is complied as the Drivers of Participation.

Download the Drivers of Participation

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