13 December 2022
The Shire of Harvey’s SportDaze event attracted more than 50 sporting clubs, associations and local residents to the Leschenault Recreation Park on November 5 for a day of fun, community workshops and more than 22 activities. Festivities wrapped up with a movie at the park’s outdoor cinema.
Highlights of the day included an exhibition tennis match, burpee competition, inclusive wheelchair challenges and Proud 2 Play managing a Pride Round across multiple sporting codes.
The Australian Sports Commission was proud to contribute $41,500 to the event through its Regional Sport Events Fund. The program is investing $1.9 million to support Local Government Councils in regional and remote Australia to host sporting events.
As regional Australia recovers from the impacts of COVID-19, sporting events will play an increasingly important role in reconnecting and revitalising communities right across the country.
- Read more about the Regional Sport Events Fund, and other ASC grants and funding programs.