Generating participation through: Market insights
The market insights driver refers to the collection of data and the application of insights to use as a basis for decision making and developing and executing participation plans:
- best practice data collection, management and storage
- understanding customer needs and wants and how customers engage with your sport
- understanding your customers perspective (the reasons for participant satisfaction and dissatisfaction)
- understanding the environment the sport and physical activity operates within (potential partners and the percieved v actual value of your sport).
Sport organisations who do this well will:
- seek out and analyse relevant existing research
- undertake research to address knowledge gaps about the consumer or the industry
- offer simple and convenient ways for consumers to provide feedback.
Examples of SMART performance measures for this driver:
- Data on current consumers’ motivations, attitudes and behaviours is collected and analysed annually to 2020
- Data on potential consumers’ motivations, attitudes and behaviours is collected and analysed annually to 2020
- Number of sports participants registered on the national database with complete data increased from X to Y by 2020
- Overall satisfaction with the participation experience to increase from X% to Y% by 2020.
Additional resources
Inform your market insights with these resources: