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Physical literacy

Physical Literacy

Physical literacy is about building the skills, knowledge and behaviours that give us the confidence and motivation to lead active lives.


Hear from national sporting organisations, physical activity providers, academics and advocates about the importance of physical literacy.

Active Healthy Kids Australia

"Developing a person's physical literacy across the lifespan is crucial if we want more Australians to live active, healthy and happy lives. The leadership Sport Australia has shown in this space has created a strong foundation on which we can strive to be better and move forward."

Dr Natasha Schranz, Co-Chair, Active Healthy Kids Australia

Archery Australia

"Archery Australia fully endorses Sport Australia’s Position Statement and Framework on Physical Literacy. It’s incredibly important that young Australians are given every opportunity to develop their fundamental movement skills. We’re looking forward to working in collaboration with Sport Australia and providing continuous support to other organisations to ensure we help create a healthier, more active Australia."

Rick Hastie, CEO, Archery Australia

Athletics Australia

"Athletics Australia is pleased to endorse the release of Sport Australia’s Physical Literacy Position Statement and the Framework. Physical Literacy is as important as literacy and numeracy and is vital in setting up children to lead an active, healthy and happy life. Athletics Australia has a key focus on physical literacy and is uniquely positioned to contribute to Sport Australia’s goal of increasing physical literacy amongst Australian children. A 2018 study by La Trobe University’s Centre for Sport and Social Inclusion showed that our Kids’ Athletics program positively influences the development of physical literacy in children across all four domains of the Australian Physical Literacy Framework. We will continue to work collaboratively with Sport Australia to improve the physical literacy of all Australians."

Adam Bishop, General Manager Participation and Community Strategy, Athletics Australia


"The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) welcomes and endorses the Sport Australia Physical Literacy Statement. ACHPER believes Physical Literacy is a concept that can play an important role in the promotion of active and healthy living across the lifespan. Whilst Physical literacy is a lifelong process, the development of physical literacy capabilities begins early in life. ACHPER advocates for quality Health and Physical Education as a vital context in which children and youth can be effectively supported in their Physical Literacy development."

John Stokes, CEO, ACHPER

Australian College of Physical Education

"The Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE) endorses Sport Australia’s position statement on physical literacy and its world-leading physical literacy framework. ACPE believes that individuals who develop their physical literacy are more likely to enjoy rewarding lifelong physical activity and movement experiences. ACPE recognises that everyone has the potential to develop their physical literacy, it is never too late, and therefore everyone can benefit from the holistic development, and healthy lifestyles that physical literacy supports. ACPE is committed to ensuring that the next generation of health and physical education teachers, dance teachers, sports coaches, and health professionals graduate fully prepared to help all Australians on their physical literacy journey."

Debbie Le Roux, CEO, The Australian College of Physical Education


"One of the AFL’s objectives is to ensure that Australian Football is a highly accessible sport, from NAB AFL Auskick through to the elite level and everything in between. Football clubs across the country play an integral part in providing an opportunity to experience the benefits of being involved in physical activity which we know is a key factor in the health and wellbeing of the wider community. Drawing on Sport Australia’s physical literacy framework, the refreshed NAB AFL Auskick curriculum has a focus on providing the best experience for children engaging with physical activity for the first time and aims to prepare kids for the future by giving them the confidence and capability to be active, and stay active for life."

Andrew Dillon, General Manager of Game Development, AFL

Australian Lacrosse Association

"The Australian Lacrosse Association is proud to endorse Sport Australia’s Position Statement on Physical Literacy and accompanying Framework. We understand the importance of physical literacy through a person's journey in sport and life. The Framework now provides a guide for parents and educators to engage with and understand how this journey can take shape."

Damien Orr, Growth Coordinator, Australian Lacross Association

Basketball Australia

"Basketball Australia endorses Sport Australia’s position on physical literacy, particularly the need for an all-of-sport focus on increasing the knowledge and behaviours of children throughout the country, to give them the confidence to pursue and enjoy active and healthy lifestyles. Basketball Australia is proud of the role our sport plays within the community in terms of the large number of Australians who stay active through basketball and we are committed to better equipping our coaches and administrators to promote and develop physical literacy in children."

Paul Maley, Executive General Manager, Basketball Australia


"The development of physical literacy in Australian children is a generational imperative in addressing the issues associated with increasingly sedentary lives."

Richard Corbet, Operations Manager, Bluearth

BMX Australia

"BMX Australia values and endorses Sport Australia’s position statement on the Physical Literacy Framework, providing organisations with the tools to ensure everyone has the skills to lead active and healthy lives. At BMX Australia, we have members from as young as two-years old to 70+ and know only too well how important having a physical lifestyle benefits across multiple platforms, something that the Physical Literacy Framework encourages and can assist with maintaining."

Martin Shaw, CEO, BMX Australia

Bowls Australia

"Bowls Australia is pleased to support Sport Australia's commitment to improving the lives of Australians of all ages through sport and physical activity. We recognise that development of the Australian Physical Literacy Framework is an integral step in creating a healthier and more active nation."

Neil Dalrymple, CEO, Bowls Australia

Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences

"Sport Australia’s Position Statement on Physical Literacy and the Australian Physical Literacy Framework has been built upon a robust and very rigorous evidence-base. It builds upon previous work that illustrates physical literacy is a complex, non-linear concept that cannot be assessed or measured in a simplistic conventional way (Edwards et al., 2018[1]). More than anything, Sport Australia’s Position Statement makes an excellent and significant international contribution to advance the field of physical literacy."

Dr Anna Bryant, Principal Lecturer in Student Engagement, Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences

Centre for Sport and Social Impact, La Trobe University

"The Centre for Sport and Social Impact is proud to endorse the Physical Literacy Framework and the leadership of Sport Australia in taking the significant step of establishing the common language of physical literacy. The Framework is a clarion call for cross-sector collaboration and system change. Identifying four domains of physical literacy is a catalyst for further understanding how to deliver the social and psychological benefits of sport and physical activity participation, which we believe is critical to solving Australia’s physical inactivity crisis."

Professor Matthew Nicholson, Director, Centre for Sport and Social Impact, La Trobe University

Champion Life

"Champion Life fully endorses Sport Australia’s Position Statement and Physical Literacy Framework. Their focus on improving Australian children’s competence, confidence and motivation to be active and live well is critical in impacting on our nation’s physical inactivity and mental health crises. Sport Australia’s commitment in consulting and collaborating with a broad cross section of organisations and programs whilst spearheading this multifaceted and comprehensive Physical Literacy campaign, is also a much welcomed stratagem. Champion Life looks forward to our continued collaboration with Sport Australia in changing the status of Australian’s health and wellbeing."

Kym Hunter, Founder and Managing Director, Champion Life Education

Cricket Australia

"Cricket Australia is excited to be part of a movement that is impacting Australian lives for the better. Cricket, and sport generally, plays a significant role in ensuring kids, adults and communities are active, healthy and connected. We have ensured our programs continue being developed in alignment with Sport Australia’s Physical Literacy Guidelines, to further promote whole-of-child development, ultimately leading to a lifelong participation in sport and regular physical activity for all Australians."

Stuart Whiley, Head of Participation Programs, Cricket Australia

Collective Leisure

Collective Leisure applauds Sports Australia’s leadership developing the Australian Physical Literacy Framework. One in two Australians have a chronic disease and the epidemic is increasing. It’s a complex issue that requires a systems based approach across sectors with organisations working collectively to nudge the system in the right way. Developing people’s physical literacy results in more active lives reducing the chances of chronic diseases

David Burns, Founder and Director, Collective Leisure

Cycling Australia

"Riding a bike is a life skill which is accessible, affordable and can be incorporated into everyday activities. At Cycling Australia we want to inspire more Australians to make riding a bike a key part of their life. The Australian Physical Literacy Framework developed by Sport Australia is an important step in supporting all Australians to develop their physical literacy and in turn provide them with the confidence and motivation to ride a bike. We strongly support the framework and in particular the holistic approach developed incorporating physical, psychological, social and cognitive elements to integrate movement and physical activity into everyday life."

Steve Drake, CEO, Cycling Australia

Disability Sports Australia

"Building physical literacy is critical for readiness to be involved in sport, as well as to be active throughout life. Kids with a physical disability so often miss out on the kinds of active play and introductory physical literacy programs that are available to able bodied children, which further increases the barriers for them to be active. Disability Sports Australia is delighted to endorse Sport Australia’s Physical Literacy Framework, and is looking forward to working with the sector to help develop ways for kids with a disability to develop physical literacy and foundation sporting skills so they can be active for life."

Jenni Cole, CEO, Disability Sports Australia

Disabled Wintersport Australia

"Disabled Wintersport Australia (DWA) believes that Physical Literacy goes a long way to helping the lives of all Australians, especially for those living with a disability. Realising the physical potential of your body can liberate yourself, allowing you to seek greater achievements in all aspects of your life. DWA encourages all its members to engage in a healthy lifestyle and believes that improved Physical Literacy will help achieve this."

Andrew Lee, National Operations Manager, Disabled Wintersport Australia

Dr Dean A Dudley

"Like all animals on this planet we learn at different speed and for different reasons. Learning to move however is probably the first literacy we truely need to acquire. At least well before we need to learn to read, write, comprehend and calculate. The importance of Physical Literacy therefore becomes self-evident. Learning to move one's body for social, aesthetic, competitive and even for survival reasons is not only linked to our health, but to the meaning and pleasure we gain from our lives. I encourage everyone to use this Physical Literacy Framework as a guide to understanding your own strengths and weaknesses in understanding your total movement capacity. Celebrate your strengths and use these as a foundation for learning (and teaching) yourself and others to live meaningful and healthy lives through physical activity, sport, recreation, and leisure."

Dr Dean A Dudley, Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University

Dr Lisa Barnett

"My research direction has centered on understanding the role of motor development in children’s physical activity participation. Whilst motor development plays a pivotal part, it is only one piece (or element) of a complex puzzle and that puzzle is physical literacy. Children need to have all the elements of physical literacy to give them the skills they need to engage in a lifetime of physical activity participation. The Australian Physical Literacy Standard is comprehensive because physical literacy is the physical, psychological, cognitive and social learning we all need to acquire across the life course. I hope this Framework helps all Australians to move forward."

Dr Lisa Barnett, Associate Professor, Deakin University

Dr Richard Keegan

"My experience of developing content for this project is that a physical literacy approach allows schools, coaches, parents and individuals to sing from the same hymn sheet – offering a shared language and framework for principles and strategies that researchers and practitioners have been developing for many years. This shared framework helps to energise and enable collaboration across education, health and sport. We learn through our physical interactions with the world, and this learning extends beyond motor skills and fitness to develop the whole person: their perception, cognition, emotion regulation and social skills. Readily mapped against curricula and development frameworks, Australia’s physical literacy framework reflects current consensus about the benefits of engaging in movement, as well as informing and enabling ongoing development: no matter where you’re starting from. The Australian Physical Literacy framework is designed to be inclusive, accessible, and a supportive, positive experience for anyone using it."

Dr Richard Keegan, Associate Professor, University of Canberra

Early Childhood Australia

"Play and physical activity are essential for children's learning, development and wellbeing. In supporting children's physical literacy, we can help children to participate actively in play and learning in their homes, early learning settings and in the broader community."

Samantha Page, CEO, Early Childhood Australia

Fitness Australia

"Fitness Australia enthusiastically endorses the Australian Physical Literacy Framework and supports the inherent philosophy that physical fitness is only one aspect of an individual’s holistic wellbeing that encompasses their physical, psychological, social and cognitive whole. The Framework has relevance for all Australians and acknowledges an individual’s life journey, taking into account their demographics, abilities and settings."

Barrie Elvish, CEO, Fitness Australia

Football Federation Australia

"Football Federation Australia (FFA) congratulates Sport Australia on the release of the Australian Physical Literacy Framework and fully supports its work in helping Australians develop their physical literacy at every stage of life. As the largest club-based participation sport in Australia and a game that can be played by everyone, from the under 5s to the over 75s, football is uniquely placed to deliver physical, psychological, social and cognitive health and wellbeing benefits for all Australians. FFA is working closely with Sport Australia and football stakeholders in redeveloping its Whole of Football Schools Framework, to align with physical literacy outcomes. A strategic objective for Football in Schools will be to get more kids active and developing social skills through quality football program experiences."

David Gallop AM, Chief Executive, Football Federation Australia

Golf Australia

"For too long golf has unfortunately had this crazy fascination with trying to master the execution of the golf swing. As we continue to try and eliminate this thinking from our participation programs, we will implement the framework as another step in the right direction, continuing to change the thinking of everyone involved."

Jayden Zeinstra, Product Manager, Golf Australia

Gymnastics Australia

"The Physical Literacy Framework provides all sporting and physical recreation organisations with the tools to ensure everyone has the skills to lead active and healthy lives. Gymnastics provides a solid foundation for movement and physical activity for life with programs offered to children as young as 12 months of age through to older adults and individuals from all walks of life. Physical literacy is embedded in Gymnastics programs and we are continuing to work closely with Sport Australia to strengthen alignment, thereby ensuring that gymnastics provides the fundamental movement skills for individuals to enjoy all sport and active recreation."

Kitty Chiller, CEO, Gymnastics Australia

Hockey Australia

"The Physical Literacy Framework will play a significant role in developing children to reach their full potential; physically, socially, cognitively, and physiologically. Hockey Australia congratulates Sport Australia on the enormous amount of work that has gone into its development, and is proud to be partnering on projects to embed physical literacy in our children."

Matt Favier, CEO, Hockey Australia

Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University

"IPAN recommends that all Australians should have a good level of physical literacy that will enable them to engage in lifelong movement and physical activity to maximise their health and wellbeing. Supportive environments are crucial to achieving and maintaining physical literacy. Our Transform-Us! program provides children with opportunities to move throughout the school day through delivery of active lessons and regular breaks in sitting and promotes supportive environments inside and outside the classroom as well as at home."

Professor Jo Salmon, Co-Director, Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University

Judo Australia

"Physical literacy is a key fundamental element in ensuring Australian children can be active, healthy and happy from childhood right through until older age."

Alex Vallentine, CEO, Judo Australia

KIDDO, University of Western Australia

"The University of Western Australia’s KIDDO program is proud to endorse Sport Australia’s Position Statement on Physical Literacy and the Australian Physical Literacy Framework. KIDDO strives to provide educators, parents and coaches with evidence based practical support and resources to implement programs that encourage physical literacy in their setting. We are looking forward to working together with Sport Australia to help ensure physical literacy is a core component of every child’s development and education."

Amanda Derbyshire, KIDDO Program Director

Motorcycling Australia

"Motorcycling Australia recognizes and supports Sport Australia physical literacy framework and statement. Engaging all generations into motorcycle sport provides benefits in physical and mental health as well as social interaction."

Peter Doyle, CEO, Motorcycling Australia

Nature Play WA

"At Nature Play WA we think it is critical for children to have the time, space, and freedom to develop the physical literacy that will support their development, mental health, and ability to enjoy being active in the world. And we deeply believe that unstructured play is the bedrock of physical literacy and physical fluency."

Griffin Longley, CEO, Nature Play WA

Netball Australia

"Netball Australia fully supports the Physical Literacy Framework released by Sport Australia. Netball Australia and our Member Organisations have long been committed to creating opportunities for women and girls to play sport. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Sport Australia to integrate the Physical Literacy Framework across netball and create more opportunities for all Australians to build the skills and motivation to lead active lives."

Tom Humphries, Head of Participation, Netball Australia


"The Australian Physical Literacy Framework is an outstanding tool for Australians to remain physically and mentally active, and perhaps more importantly, engage with wider social and community networks. This framework lays the platform for happier, healthier and more engaged communities. The NRL congratulates Sport Australia on this initiative. As a code, we are committed to delivering both physical and psychological health benefits through the various contact and non-contact forms of our game across a variety of age groups."

Todd Greenberg, CEO, NRL

NSW Office of Sport

"There is significant complementarity between the Australian Physical Literacy Framework and the practical implementation of sport and active recreation through our NSW Regional plans and centres. The Office of Sport is utilising the FTEM NSW Participant and Athlete Development framework to communicate and facilitate physical literacy at the foundation levels of sport and active recreation as well as the talent levels of the high-performance sport pathway. We are delighted to continue our collaboration with Sport Australia regarding physical literacy."

Karen Jones, Acting Chief Executive, NSW Office of Sport

Orienteering Australia

"Orienteering Australia supports every child getting the chance to engage in regular physical activity. We believe we have a lot to offer in getting children active, and building their mental skills at the same time. As I know from my own experience from my junior days, we're also a sport where many who've struggled to find their feet in the more traditional sports can try something new, and succeed at it."

Blair Trewin, President, Orienteering Australia

Outdoors NSW

"Outdoors NSW endorses the Australian Physical Literacy Framework and it's promotion of active lifestyles for all. In the outdoors, physical literacy skills are learnt in informal play, active recreation and all manner of outdoor pursuits such as bush-walking, canoeing or rock climbing. Establishing outdoor physical literacy skills in childhood and adolescence establishes the foundation for continued physical activity and a connection to nature throughout a persons’ lifespan. Outdoors NSW promotes that people should be active in the outdoors more often to enhance their overall physical and mental well-being."

Dr Amanda Lloyd, CEO, Outdoors Australia

Paddle Australia

"Paddle Australia supports the Physical Literacy Framework produced by Sports Australia, which endorses a holistic approach to promoting sport across the country.  We recognise the vital role that sport plays for the development of individuals in all stages of their lives not only physically, but also psychologically, socially and cognitively.  We believe that paddling can play its part in advancing the Physical Literacy of our communities, through promoting confidence and competence in and around water, developing healthy lifestyles, encouraging social engagement across ages and geographies, and forging a connection with the natural environment around us.  Paddle Australia is committed to working with Sport Australia in building skills, knowledge and behaviours which will result in healthier, more active lives."

Phil Jones, CEO, Paddle Australia

Paralympics Australia

"Paralympics Australia is proud to endorse the Australian Physical Literacy Framework as it is inclusive of all abilities and provides scope for adaptive sports and activities for people with a disability. Movement and physical activity are essential to improving the social, emotional and health outcomes for all Australians, specifically those with a disability and the Australian Physical Literacy Framework provides pathways for participation in sport through to elite competitions. Paralympics Australia is committed to improving the physical literacy of all Australians specifically as it relates to disability and people with a disability."

Lyn Anderson, CEO, Paralympics Australia

Play Australia

"Play Australia endorses Sport Australia’s Position Statement on Physical Literacy and recognises the value of sport, recreation, and in particular, the essential role of daily active play to support the holistic development of all children and set the foundations for active, connected and healthy lifestyles."

Barb Champion, Executive Director, Play Australia

Professor David Lubans

"Physical inactivity is a global problem and helping young Australians to improve their physical literacy should be a national priority."

Professor David Lubans, NHMRC Senior Research Fellow, University of Newcastle

Professor Dick Telford AM

"Elite level sports coaching and getting our kids moving might be viewed as being at opposite ends of the physical activity spectrum. However, my day to day involvement in both fields constantly reminds me of the many important ways they are linked. Within the term ‘physical literacy’ we have two words that go a long way to summing up those links."

Professor Dick Telford AM, University of Canberra


"QORF (Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation) endorses Sport Australia’s Position Statement on Physical Literacy. Physical literacy underpins participation in outdoor activity, and outdoor activities contribute to improved physical literacy – a virtuous cycle.

Outdoor activities range from non-competitive outdoor recreation including play, outdoor sports, outdoor and environmental education, health and lifestyle improvement, adventure therapy and nature-based-tourism activities – all of which rely on and increase levels of physical literacy across the lifespan.

QORF looks forward to working with Sport Australia and other outdoor peak organisations to enhance the delivery of physical, mental, and social health outcomes for our communities."

Dom Courtney, Executive Officer, Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation

Raising Children Network

"Physical activity is one of the keys to children’s healthy growth and development.  Initiatives that encourage children to be active through play or sport every day can build confidence, teach children new skills and are fun and rewarding."

Associate Professor Julie Green, Executive Director, Raising Children Network

Rowing Australia

"Rowing Australia is an enthusiastic supporter of physical literacy. We will continue to work with our coaches to deliver engaging activities that encourage youngsters to enjoy sport and remain active."

Ron Batt, Participation & Education Manager, Rowing Australia

Rugby Australia

"Rugby Australia is proud to be working with Sport Australia to build the Physical Literacy of Australians. We understand the importance of sport in the lives of all Australians and the role it has in developing our young people not just physically but also developing them socially, cognitively and psychologically. Rugby has always seen its role in our communities as building good people and strong communities and this is why we are fully supportive of Sport Australia’s Position Statement on Physical Literacy. Programs such as Get into Rugby are designed to support coaches, parents and teachers provide fun activities that will build a love for movement and support active and healthy lives and we will continue to expand the reach of our work in conjunction with our Member Unions, schools and our 1000 community clubs."

Raelene Castle ONZM, Chief Executive, Rugby Australia

School Sport Australia

"School Sport Australia welcomes the release of and acknowledges the Australian Physical Literacy Framework. It is an extremely valuable tool that aligns neatly with School Sport Australia’s aim to derive educational outcomes by coordinating and conducting a broad range of school sporting programs for all students commensurate with their age and ability in an educational environment. Our programs, delivered by teachers, provide children the opportunity to enjoy active lifestyles, learn healthy life long habits and derive social and cultural benefits through the wonderful medium of school sport. Whilst acknowledging that School Sport Australia’s programs are aimed at Australian school students aged 10 to 19 years, there is a very close parallel with the physical, psychological, social and cognitive health and well-being benefits relevant to all Australians provided by the physical literacy framework."

Graham Jennings, President, School Sport Australia

Snow Australia

"Snowsports is a sport for all, whether it’s participating recreationally with family and friends, or competitively in a snowsports event. With approximately 1.2 million Australians participating in various forms of skiing and snowboarding, it is one of Australia’s largest and most popular participation sports. Whatever the motivation for participating in snowsports, Snow Australia is committed to working with Sport Australia to provide the snowsports community with a clear participation to high performance strategy focusing on the importance of physical literacy in young participants and athletes. Snow Australia endorses the work that Sport Australia has undertaken in the development of the Australian Physical Literacy Framework."

Michael Kennedy, CEO Snow Australia

Special Olympics Australia

"Special Olympics Australia recognises the utmost importance of the Physical Literacy framework. The framework reflects the objectives of our movement. We aspire to create sports training and competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities which gives opportunities to develop physical skills, friendships, confidence and enjoyment. This leads to a love of movement that will hopefully keep our athletes active for life."

Corene Strauss, CEO, Special Olympics Australia

Surfing Australia

"This new framework will provide immeasurable support to Surfing in Australia as we seek to strengthen our programs and their impact on lives and communities. We thank Sport Australia for the resources and support."

Anna Walker, General Manager, Participation & Community, Surfing Australia

Surf Life Saving Australia

"Surf Life Saving Australia endorses and supports the Australian Physical Literacy Framework released by Sport Australia. Surf Life Saving has a vested interest in developing physical literacy and confidence in Australians of all ages in alignment with our mission to save lives, create great Australians and build better communities. We look forward to continuing to work with Sport Australia on new and existing projects and initiatives to meet this objective."

Adam Weir, CEO, Surf Life Saving Australia

Tennis Australia

"The Physical Literacy framework will help provide kids with the necessary tools to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Tennis is a sport which can be played for life by everyone and it all starts in schools where children are given their first taste of how sport can contribute so much more to their lives."

Craig Tiley, CEO Tennis Australia

Touch Football Australia

"Touch Football Australia commends Sport Australia on the release of the Physical Literacy Framework and their leadership in addressing the need for a healthier nation. As Australia’s leading social sport, a sport where friends and family of all ages can come together, we are committed to enhancing the lives of Australians through physical activity and, in partnership with Sport Australia, look forward to getting more Australians active through the Physical Literacy Framework."

Jamie O’Connor, CEO, Touch Football Australia

Wales Academy for Health and Physical Literacy, University of Wales

"I am delighted to see the exciting work being done in Australia supporting the development of physical literacy. At a time when there are many challenges relating to health and well being, this work helps to share the important message about the need for developing physical literacy to address many of the issues that we face."

Dr Nalda Wainwright, Director, Wales Academy for Health and Physical Literacy, University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Water Polo Australia

"Physical literacy is the foundation of all successful sports people and also a way to get the younger members of our nation moving more and in the right ways. This is a great initiative by Sport Australia and Water Polo Australia is happy to support."

Joelie Chisholm, CEO, Water Polo Australia

Wheelchair Sports NSW

"Wheelchair Sports NSW wholeheartedly endorses the Australian Physical Literacy Framework. The benefits of increased physical activity for the physical, mental and social components of a child’s development are clear. This is more pronounced for those children who have the additional challenge of living with a disability, so we are committed to representing their experience in this important national initiative from Sport Australia."

Mick Garnett, CEO, Wheelchair Sports NSW

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