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New Sporting Schools participant stickers

We know how much kids love stickers so we have created some bright new ones for you to give to all students who participate in your Sporting Schools Program. Order yours now.

This is a fun way to acknowledge the students’ achievements and efforts at the end of their Sporting Schools program. It is also a great way we can send the message home to parents and carers so they know about the program and the importance of sport and physical activity in their children’s lives.

Order yours now

Children need to be doing 60 minutes of physical activity a day to meet the Department of Health’s Physical Activity guidelines. We know this has long term health benefits, but research also shows that children who are physically active are able to concentrate in class for longer. Sporting Schools is proud to help children find their 60 at school, but they need to be doing it every day and at home too, so communicating to parents and carers is essential. Adults also need 30 minutes of physical activity a day so hopefully they can do this together with their children.

We also have free downloadable participant certificates, these are available for you to print out and personalise for all participants.

Have any questions about Sporting Schools?

Phone: 1300 785 707
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