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Promote your program

Tell your school community that you're a Sporting School

We’ve created some tools and templates to make it easy for schools to promote their Sporting Schools programs.

There is a template for your school newsletter and some tiles for your social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

Download the templates from the links below and start spreading the good news.

Social media tiles

These social tiles can be used for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or other social platforms. Remember to include a link to Sporting Schools in your social post and tag @sportingschools and @ASC.

Suggested social media post and newsletter template

“We are a Sporting School. After being successful in receiving Term [term number] funding, we will be running a [sport name] program”



Our branding toolkit provides clear direction for stakeholders on how to use Sporting Schools design elements and logos when communicating about the Australian Sports Commission's Sporting Schools Program.

Share your story

Did your Sporting Schools program go so well that you want to tell everyone about it?

Then get in touch and tell us your story so we can share it with the Sporting Schools community!

Have any questions about Sporting Schools?

Phone: 1300 785 707
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