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Sport Governance Principles

Principle 9: The Scorecard

Embedded systems of internal review to foster continuous improvement

Principle 9: The Scorecard

Embedded systems of internal review to foster improvement

The board must have an appropriate system of internal controls to enable it to monitor performance, track progress against strategy and address issues of concern.

2023 SCORE
Standard 2021 Avg 2022 Avg2023 Avg
9.1 The board should regularly evaluate its performance and performance of individual directors. The board should agree and implement a plan to take forward any actions resulting from the evaluations 2.0 2.4 2.3
9.2 The board will operate itself in an efficient manner and directors meet as appropriate to discharge their duties effectively 3.3 3.4 3.38
9.3 The board has documentation and processes to operate its meetings in an efficient and effective manner 3.5 3.6 3.61
9.4 The board maintains accurate records of meetings and board decisions 3.1 3.3 3.2
9.5 The board has documented financial delegations. This includes, but is not limited to: expenditure, funding, grants, other financial transactions as resolved by the board 3.0 3.3 3.11
9.6 The board has documented non-financial delegations. This includes, but is not limited to: staffing, public relations, strategic actions, business plans, board resolutions, grievances and complaints 2.6 2.7 2.79
9.7 The board has a documented CEO performance evaluation process 2.7 3 2.74
9.8 The board has a documented succession planning process for key personnel and the retention of corporate knowledge 1.7 1.91.89
  • For the third year running, Principle 9 has the greatest variance in scores, with averages varying from 1.89 for Standard 9.8 Succession Planning to 3.61 for Standard 9.3 Board Meeting Agenda.
  • A focus on Standard 9.6 Non-Financial Delegations as a priority Standard in 2022 resulted in a 4% increase in average scores to 2.79.
  • The ASC provides support to NSO/Ds on 9.1 Board Evaluation (2.30), offering an independent service to administer this vital function.
  • Standard 9.8 Succession Planning remains the lowest scoring Standard across all Principles in 2023 (1.89). In 2023, the ASC has developed resources to support NSO/Ds in this critical component of good governance.
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