Physical Literacy
Physical literacy is about building the skills, knowledge and behaviours that give us the confidence and motivation to live active lives.

A person’s understanding of how, why and when they move.
Factual knowledge a person can understand and convey; often important in recognition, recall and planning.
Content knowledge
What it could look like:
- Describing the effects of exercise and being inactive
- Recognising principles of scoring
- Understanding roles within teams and groups
Pre-foundational - Stage 0
I have the potential to learn through movement and physical activity. At this stage I do not understand why, when and how I would participate in movement and physical activity.Foundation & Exploration - Stage 1
Recognises key knowledge in relation to movement and physical activity.- Recognising and understanding why movements are performed in a particular way e.g. bending knees to lift, holding arms out to stabilise balance
- Recognising and understanding that movement and physical activity have benefits e.g. health and enjoyment
Acquisition & Accumulation - Stage 2
Explains the key features of movement and physical activity in relation to causes, consequences and underpinnings.- Explaining personal strengths and weaknesses e.g. being a fast sprinter but not as competent over longer distances
- Describing how movement problems can be solved e.g. having a more streamlined body position in the water to increase the speed of a stroke
- Explaining why physical activity is important e.g. the benefits to health and wellbeing, socialisation, positive attitudes and behaviours
Consolidation & Mastery - Stage 3
Justifies and explains key features of different movement and physical activities, utilising information regarding causes, consequences and underpinnings.- Justifying and explaining skills and training strategies required to be proficient in a particular movement or physical activity
- Justifying and explaining complex movement problems e.g. technical adjustments to a golf swing to increase accuracy and distance
- Articulating how physical activity positively impacts the body e.g. improved cardiovascular function, lung capacity, muscular and bone strength, mental wellbeing, lower blood cholesterol and pressure
Transfer & Empowerment - Stage 4
I am empowered by movement and physical activity. I continually transfer my skills, knowledge and feelings to different movement and physical activity contexts. I use combinations of elements from all four domains, and apply my learnings through movement and physical activity to other aspects of my life.- Deciding to become a volunteer at your local surf club, so that you can pass on your knowledge of a range of aquatic activities (swimming, surfing, paddling) and your knowledge of the local environment to others. Personally, this also enables you to enjoy more time on the beach/in the water, as well as support your own fitness and lifestyle goals.
Understanding of risks, risk-management and safety considerations for self and others in movement contexts.
Safety & risk
What it could look like:
- Behaving responsibly and not endangering self or others
- Understanding and obeying safety rules and procedures
- Acknowledging potential risks of activity and environment before participating
- Ceasing play during high-risk contexts e.g. lightning strike or injury to self or others
Pre-foundational - Stage 0
I have the potential to learn through movement and physical activity. At this stage I do not understand why, when and how I would participate in movement and physical activity.Foundation & Exploration - Stage 1
Establishes and explores ways to avoid risks, adopting protective behaviours.- Seeking help to overcome a movement challenge e.g. asking a coach for assistance when walking along a narrow beam
- Identifying and following safety rules e.g. swimming between the flags at the beach
Acquisition & Accumulation - Stage 2
Understands and identifies situations that may pose risk and takes steps to minimise or mitigate these.- Increasing fluid intake when it is hot to avoid dehydration
- Checking playing area for hazards before an activity
Consolidation & Mastery - Stage 3
Plans and implements strategies to promote safe participation in movement and physical activity.- Developing a risk assessment for an upcoming activity
- Proposing and implementing modifications to rules or equipment to ensure safe participation
Transfer & Empowerment - Stage 4
I am empowered by movement and physical activity. I continually transfer my skills, knowledge and feelings to different movement and physical activity contexts. I use combinations of elements from all four domains, and apply my learnings through movement and physical activity to other aspects of my life.- Deciding to become a volunteer at your local surf club, so that you can pass on your knowledge of a range of aquatic activities (swimming, surfing, paddling) and your knowledge of the local environment to others. Personally, this also enables to you to enjoy more time on the beach/in the water, as well as support your own fitness and lifestyle goals.
Explicit or understood regulations and principles governing conduct or procedure within movement and physical activities.
What it could look like:
- Understanding, modifying and applying rules to enhance movement experiences – enjoyment, success, safety
- Considering how equipment and scoring systems can be best utilised to enhance movement experiences
Pre-foundational - Stage 0
I have the potential to learn through movement and physical activity. At this stage I do not understand why, when and how I would participate in movement and physical activity.Foundation & Exploration - Stage 1
Aware of and able to follow rules in movement and physical activity.- Understanding why rules are necessary to an activity or game
- Demonstrating appropriate and safe use of equipment
- Following instructions relating to personal safety and fair play e.g. shaking hands with an opponent at the end of a game
Acquisition & Accumulation - Stage 2
Understands and applies rules that enable participation in movement and physical activity.- Developing rules for a new game
- Applying the rules of games correctly and appropriately
Consolidation & Mastery - Stage 3
Applies complex rules and/or can create rules that enable fair play and inclusive participation in movement and physical activity.- Modifying the rules of a game to make it more inclusive and enjoyable
- Playing the game in the spirit that it is intended
- Appreciating and following unwritten rules - gym etiquette, sportsmanship
Transfer & Empowerment - Stage 4
I am empowered by movement and physical activity. I continually transfer my skills, knowledge and feelings to different movement and physical activity contexts. I use combinations of elements from all four domains, and apply my learnings through movement and physical activity to other aspects of my life.- Deciding to become a volunteer at your local surf club, so that you can pass on your knowledge of a range of aquatic activities (swimming, surfing, paddling) and your knowledge of the local environment to others. Personally, this also enables to you to enjoy more time on the beach/in the water, as well as support your own fitness and lifestyle goals.
Consciously making sense of things by verifying facts and applying logic to construct, change or justify practices and beliefs.
What it could look like:
- Acknowledging that "I can see why this is important, so I will focus on it and try my best"
- Drawing on prior knowledge to solve movement challenges
- Choosing particular activities to suit life circumstances
Pre-foundational - Stage 0
I have the potential to learn through movement and physical activity. At this stage I do not understand why, when and how I would participate in movement and physical activity.Foundation & Exploration - Stage 1
Recognising strategies to apply logic to solve movement problems and/or change beliefs and practices in movement and physical activity.- Choosing to take part in a dance class because it appears enjoyable
- Joining a walking group because it is known to be good for health
Acquisition & Accumulation - Stage 2
Understands how to apply logic to solve movement problems and/or change beliefs and practices in movement and physical activity.- Understanding personal strengths in performing handstands, cartwheels and forward rolls and deciding to join a gymnastics club
- Knowing you want more from regular bushwalking activities and deciding to take part in a hiking expedition over several days
- Reflecting on performance and identifying how improvements can be made
Consolidation & Mastery - Stage 3
Justifies and applies logic to solve movement problems and/or change beliefs and practices in movement and physical activity.- Identifying that time available to exercise is limited and changing practice by choosing physical activities that are shorter and more high intensity
- Identifying various stresses in life and justifying a change in activities to focus on spiritual wellbeing
Transfer & Empowerment - Stage 4
I am empowered by movement and physical activity. I continually transfer my skills, knowledge and feelings to different movement and physical activity contexts. I use combinations of elements from all four domains, and apply my learnings through movement and physical activity to other aspects of my life.- Deciding to become a volunteer at your local surf club, so that you can pass on your knowledge of a range of aquatic activities (swimming, surfing, paddling) and your knowledge of the local environment to others. Personally, this also enables to you to enjoy more time on the beach/in the water, as well as support your own fitness and lifestyle goals.
Strategy and planning describes how set goals will be achieved using reflection and resources available.
Strategy & planning
What it could look like:
- Developing a team formation that will be used to play a game
- Planning smaller milestones as part of the process of achieving a bigger goal
- Identifying how personal/team goals for an upcoming season or challenge will be achieved
Pre-foundational - Stage 0
I have the potential to learn through movement and physical activity. At this stage I do not understand why, when and how I would participate in movement and physical activity.Foundation & Exploration - Stage 1
Develops a planned strategy to achieve a movement or physical activity outcome.- Understanding the need to pace in a longer distance race to complete the event
- Deciding where to surf based on the weather conditions
Acquisition & Accumulation - Stage 2
Plans multiple strategies, where one or more can be selected to achieve the same outcome.- Devising attacking and defensive strategies before a game e.g. increasing the number of defenders when playing an attacking team
- Deciding in advance which types of waves to catch and when to paddle out to them when planning a surf
Consolidation & Mastery - Stage 3
Anticipates likely responses and plans for the unknown in order to achieve movement goals.- Devising strategies that account for changing rules e.g. setting a defensive field in T20 Cricket when the maximum number of players inside the fielding circle is restricted
- Planning alternative surfing strategies to cater for changing weather and ocean conditions or position in a surfing competition
Transfer & Empowerment - Stage 4
I am empowered by movement and physical activity. I continually transfer my skills, knowledge and feelings to different movement and physical activity contexts. I use combinations of elements from all four domains, and apply my learnings through movement and physical activity to other aspects of my life.- Deciding to become a volunteer at your local surf club, so that you can pass on your knowledge of a range of aquatic activities (swimming, surfing, paddling) and your knowledge of the local environment to others. Personally, this also enables to you to enjoy more time on the beach/in the water, as well as support your own fitness and lifestyle goals.
Planned and ad hoc decisions and actions, employed in the moment for the pursuit of goal/s.
What it could look like:
- Keeping possession of the ball in response to what an opposing team does e.g. football/soccer
- Adapting a plan due to changed circumstances e.g. revising training activities due to weather conditions
Pre-foundational - Stage 0
I have the potential to learn through movement and physical activity. At this stage I do not understand why, when and how I would participate in movement and physical activity.Foundation & Exploration - Stage 1
Employs a tactic to solve a challenge or problem in movement and physical activity.- Using an action to attempt a successful outcome e.g. using 'ball fakes' to go past an opponent in basketball
- Selecting an incoming wave to surf on
Acquisition & Accumulation - Stage 2
Applies multiple and different tactics to solve challenges or problems in movement and physical activity.- Using a range of actions to attempt a successful outcome e.g. using a variety of passes to keep possession in a basketball game
- Deciding which surfing manoeuvres are possible on an approaching wave
Consolidation & Mastery - Stage 3
Implements multiple tactics seamlessly to solve emerging challenges and problems in movement and physical activity.- Considering factors such time, weather and opponent's strengths and weaknesses into tactical decision making e.g. keeping possession to 'wind down the clock' as full-time approaches
- Adjusting surfing manoeuvres mid-wave to maximise scoring as a wave alters speed or shape
Transfer & Empowerment - Stage 4
I am empowered by movement and physical activity. I continually transfer my skills, knowledge and feelings to different movement and physical activity contexts. I use combinations of elements from all four domains, and apply my learnings through movement and physical activity to other aspects of my life.- Deciding to become a volunteer at your local surf club, so that you can pass on your knowledge of a range of aquatic activities (swimming, surfing, paddling) and your knowledge of the local environment to others. Personally, this also enables to you to enjoy more time on the beach/in the water, as well as support your own fitness and lifestyle goals.
Tacit knowledge used to quickly recognise the environment and make accurate decisions: based on experiences, observations, emotions and intuition.
Perceptual awareness
What it could look like:
- Recognising an opponent’s body position in order to anticipate their intention
- Recognising where teammates or opponents are in order to move with/or around them
- Recognising changing weather conditions and adjust movement or activity accordingly
Pre-foundational - Stage 0
I have the potential to learn through movement and physical activity. At this stage I do not understand why, when and how I would participate in movement and physical activity.Foundation & Exploration - Stage 1
Develops a sense of awareness to respond appropriately in movement and physical activity.- Playing tennis and beginning to predict where your opponent is going to hit the ball
- Running/moving around a playground and recognising the need to change speed and direction in response to the movements of other people
Acquisition & Accumulation - Stage 2
Articulates a sense of awareness utilised in different contexts of movement and physical activity.- Increasing success across different physical activities, when anticipating where an opponent may direct a ball e.g. anticipating a tennis shot as well as predicting a batter's strike in cricket or baseball
- Increasing success at recognising patterns within a game e.g. position of players on the field/court and adjusting own position accordingly
Consolidation & Mastery - Stage 3
Makes sophisticated decisions from an acute sense of awareness.- Processing a variety of information from an opponent serving in tennis (e.g. height/position of ball, angle of racket, wind conditions), anticipating the likely outcome (e.g. direction, speed, spin of the ball) and generating a successful return
- Successfully predicting an opposing team’s intentions (e.g. attacking quickly) based on recognising previous situations
Transfer & Empowerment - Stage 4
I am empowered by movement and physical activity. I continually transfer my skills, knowledge and feelings to different movement and physical activity contexts. I use combinations of elements from all four domains, and apply my learnings through movement and physical activity to other aspects of my life.- Deciding to become a volunteer at your local surf club, so that you can pass on your knowledge of a range of aquatic activities (swimming, surfing, paddling) and your knowledge of the local environment to others. Personally, this also enables to you to enjoy more time on the beach/in the water, as well as support your own fitness and lifestyle goals.