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Schools are required to use the grant only for permitted activities (e.g., program delivery and associated costs) within the approved funding period (school term) under Sporting Schools and for no other purpose. Expenditure of funds or program delivery cannot be rolled over to another school term.

The parameters describe the characteristics of required activities for schools participating in Sporting Schools. All schools receiving Sporting Schools funding are required to comply with the following parameters:

  • use the school portal to book a Sporting Schools program with an endorsed or registered provider*
  • deliver a minimum of one Sporting Schools partner sport program within the approved funding period (school term)
  • provide Sporting Schools programs as a free service. Schools must not request payment from children or families to participate in activities under Sporting Schools
  • provide Sporting Schools programs as complementary to existing sport and physical education curriculum delivery
  • deliver a Sporting Schools partner sport program, with a minimum of four x 45-60-minute sessions**, which apply the Playing for Life key principles:
    • each session must:
      • have the same participants taking part
      • have a minimum of 10 participants**
      • engage participants of all abilities; and
      • actively engage participants for the duration of the session (i.e., 45-60 minutes of activity).
  • ensure active supervision is provided for activities under Sporting Schools in addition to the coach
  • deliver activities under Sporting Schools to the number of participants identified in the approved grant application
  • spend funding on Sporting Schools activities and supported costs only within the approved funding period (school term)
  • deliver the program before, during or after school, during the approved funding period (school term)
  • comply with the ASC’s financial declaration (acquittal) and reporting requirements.

*Failure to use the school portal to book a program will require the school to provide program delivery information within the funded term to request delegate approval for funding to be released.

**Note that delivery equivalent to 3-4 hours per participant is supported where school or program delivery location requires intensive delivery and schools with less than 10 students enrolled can still apply.

The ASC has partnered with more than 40 NSOs and NSODs to deliver Sporting Schools programs across Australia. Our partner NSOs/NSODs offer developmentally appropriate and curriculum-aligned programs for children designed specifically for the school environment. They also provide quality delivery resources and professional development for teachers to support teacher delivery. Other provider organisations are also able to register to deliver introductory partner sport programs under Sporting Schools.

Schools can use their site account to login to the online Sporting Schools portal to make coach and teacher-delivered bookings. Each program on offer meets the minimum number of sessions and participants required by Sporting Schools and each coach assigned through the Sporting Schools portal has a valid working with children check.

Due to exceptional circumstances (such as natural disasters, school closures or other circumstances approved by the ASC), schools may have an Exceptional Circumstances Activity Plan approved if they are unable to deliver a program within the funding period.

Have any questions about Sporting Schools?

Phone: 1300 785 707
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