Support from parents and family is known to have a positive impact on their child’s motivation and enjoyment of sport and physical activity.
Physical activity is fundamental to the development of children and young people, which is why they should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day.
So come and join in the fun! Here are some ways to help your family to get moving and develop healthy habits for life.
Child Safety Statement
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is committed to Australian sport environments that are safe, supportive, and friendly for children and other vulnerable people.
The ASC Child Safe Policy outlines our commitment to child safeguarding, and the obligations and responsibilities of our people and stakeholders to protect children.
The ASC takes child safeguarding seriously and these are some of the safeguards we have in place:
- All grant recipients i.e., schools, are bound by the ASC Child Safe Policy
- Coaches must hold a current working with children check
- Coaches must abide by child safe requirements
Raise a Concern
If you wish to raise a concern or lodge a complaint regarding the Sporting Schools program, you can do this via the online complaints form or post:
Australian Sports Commission
PO BOX 176
Find a Club
The Australian Sports Commission has partnered with over 35 national sporting organisations, which offer fun introductory sports programs in a friendly, club environment. Explore the sports and find a local sporting club near you.
Bring sport home
Children’s physical activity doesn't start and stop the school day.
Here are a few suggestions to extend their activity outside the school environment.
- Chat about the sport that was delivered at school and then practice at home.
- Talk with your Sporting Schools coaches about activities on their sport’s website for you to access.
- Find out what is on offer at your local sporting clubs.
- Ask your child’s teacher for some sport related homework.
- Access Sporting Schools resources online and set up games at home.
Fun activities you can set up for all the family to play!

Get your school involved
All schools across Australia are eligible to register for Sporting Schools. Not sure if your school is registered? Contact them today and find out.
Schools registration is a simple process and is completed online via the Sporting Schools website.
Attending school meetings is also a great way for parents and guardians to know what is happening in their community and an opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions.
We encourage parents to talk to their schools and share ideas about how Sporting Schools could help their children and community.

Physical Literacy
From infants to teenagers, it is important for children to continually develop their level of physical literacy.
Physical literacy is the skills, knowledge and behaviours that give us the confidence and motivation to move throughout our lives.
Parents can use physical literacy as a reference point to understand what their children should be learning through movement - at home, at school and on the sporting field.
Learn more about how your physical, psychological, cognitive and social skills all work together to build your physical literacy.

Provide feedback
If you have any questions about Sporting Schools, please visit our Help Centre or alternatively you can contact our Programs Operation Centre who are available to assist you with your enquiry.