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Supporting Sport in Schools

Supporting partnerships between schools and sports to deliver attractive and relevant sporting experiences.

Curriculum Alignment Guidelines

The Curriculum Alignment Guidelines assist sports in understanding how to design or adapt school-based products and resources to align with the Australian curriculum.

The guidelines provide an overview on the benefits and key considerations of alignment as well as step-by-step instructions that sports can follow when developing or adapting their resources.

Why align?

Aligning with the Australian Curriculum increases the relevance and credibility of your products and resources, supporting teachers to deliver quality Health and Physical Education (HPE) and sport programs.

When designing or adapting products to the curriculum, consider the following:


To make your resources accessible and relevant to teachers ensure that they:

  • use clear and simple instructions
  • include illustrations to explain activities
  • limit sport-specific language
  • keep the end user/s front of mind

Engage an education consultant

Education consultants can provide professional guidance and support to help ensure your resource is relevant and effective for teachers and their students through:

  • reviewing existing products and resources and providing recommendations for alignment;
  • supporting the design of new products and resources; and
  • providing strategic advice on promoting and marketing to schools.


Offering the flexibility of print and digital options increases your reach and opportunity for adoption with teachers. Each format requires different considerations.

  • Print (hard copy) resources need to be easy-to-navigate, include images to illustrate skills and durable to support regular use.
  • Digital (online) resources should include hyperlinks to related sections, videos to illustrate skills and a layout that supports both phone and tablet use.


Promotion of your resources affects sport uptake in schools. When promoting your products and resources to schools, consider the following options:

  • Online publication
  • Social Media
  • Industry events
  • Education journals
  • Education networks

How do I align to the curriculum?

There are four steps you must follow when aligning your products and resources to the curriculum.

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