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Playing for Life

Fun and active games to develop children's skills, confidence and lifelong interest in sport

Playing for Life is based on the Game Sense approach, with the objective to develop in school-aged children a love of movement and physical activity that will encourage them to play for life. All activities are game-based and generate a safe, inclusive and challenging environment.

What's on the activity cards?

The Playing for Life activity cards have been developed with needs of teachers in mind and are aligned to Australian Curriculum outcomes. Each activity card provides the following information about the activity:

  • Bands of learning (F-2, 3-4, 5-6)
  • Content descriptions
  • Physical literacy elements
  • Learning intention
  • Activity focus
  • Equipment required
  • What to do
  • Tips to change the game (to make it easier or harder)
  • Tips for safety

Playing for life activity card

Activity focus
Identifies the focus of the activity - warm up, skill development or game concepts

Bands of learning (F-2, 3-4, 5-6)
Identifies the bands that activities best suit (F-2, 3-4, 5-6).

After you look at the main figure and the scoring panel, and read the description you will almost be ready to go.

Player numbers
Minimum number to play. e.g. 6. If you have 24, then organise 4 groups of 6.

Physical literacy elements
Identifies the physical, psychological, social and cognitive skills the activity develops. Each activity supports the development of many physical literacy elements. Only the most predominant elements are included on each activity card.

Content Descriptions 
Australian Curriculum content description codes addressed by the activity

Scoring Planel
Some activities may initially be played without keeping score.

Learning Intention 
Will help you understand the activity's learning objectives

Change It
This is the tool you wiLl use to modify the activity to meet player needs and ensure inclusion.   
Use it to include all, ensure high activity levels, make the activity more or less challenging highlight a tactical play or promote skill learning.

Essential reading every time you use a card.

Ask the Players
Suggests questions you can ask to promote thought about 'playing tactically'. Also use it to encourage players to promote inclusion Players 'answer' the question by their actions.

Included in this resource are activity cards to teach children skills for net and court games, invasion games, target games, striking and fielding games and movement exploration games. There are also activities for warm-up, energisers, group management and finish up.

The following table shows how the Playing for Life activities link to different sports.

Invasion Games

Striking and Fielding Games

Net and Court Games

Target Games

Movement Exploration

  • Hockey
  • Soccer
  • Australian Rules
  • Football
  • Rugby League
  • Rugby Union
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Touch Football
  • Water Polo
  • Cricket
  • Softball
  • Baseball
  • Badminton
  • Squash
  • Tennis
  • Table Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Golf
  • Lawn Bowls
  • Tenpin Bowling
  • Gymnastics
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