Special Olympics Australia has partnered with national sporting organisations (NSOs) to deliver inclusive Sport Partner programs through Sporting Schools, creating meaningful experiences that promote lifelong participation in sport and physical activity.
These Sport Partner programs are suitably adapted from mainstream Sporting Schools products for delivery to students with intellectual disability or autism and in special education environments.
Programs are delivered by specially trained NSO coaches with support and resources provided by Special Olympics Australia to ensure they have the skills and confidence to teach students with disabilities.
These partnerships increase the skills of coaches and teachers to provide a variety of fun, engaging programs in which students learn at their own pace and develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to be active for life.
“Partnering with NSOs to adapt the programs they provide through Sporting Schools is vital to building the capacity of the sector and getting more children involved in inclusive sport.”
Pierre Comis, Chief Executive Officer
Special Olympics Australia

In Sporting Schools, Sport Partner programs are available for delivery in partnership with Sporting Schools NSOs.
Each sport-specific program available is suitably adapted from current Sporting Schools products for delivery to students with intellectual disability or autism and in special education environments.
Special Olympics Australia is currently working with the following sports:
How to book a Sport Partner program
Schools wishing to utilise Sporting Schools funding for a Sport Partner program will need to apply for funding when applications are open, including the relevant sport in their grant application.
If successful, schools can then browse the partner NSO offerings in the Sporting Schools booking system and book the preferred package. The NSO will work with Special Olympics Australia to confirm and arrange delivery of your program.
Who can deliver?
Programs are delivered by a network of specially trained NSO coaches who have support and resources to enable them to effectively teach students with intellectual disability or autism. Coaches and teachers are required to meet the requirements of the relevant NSO, please see the relevant NSO page. In many cases teachers may also be able to deliver programs at their school, with support and resources from the relevant NSO and Special Olympics Australia.
Special Olympics Australia has partnered with the following NSOs to enable program delivery:
For information on costs, please refer to packages on offer through the Sporting Schools booking system.
Special Olympics Australia offers a range of resources such as the Playing for All activity cards that are designed to help schools, teachers and coaches find everything they need to implement and deliver high-quality inclusive programs aligned to the Australian curriculum.
Special Olympics Australia’s Inclusive Sport Academy, contains courses and webinars designed to help coaches, teachers and other community members improve the delivery of sport and physical activity for people with intellectual disability or autism.
Contact: Schools Team
Email: schools@specialolympics.com.au
Phone: 1300 225 762